Sunday, September 15, 2019
Renaissance, Its Impact on English Literature
Chuddar Devil Ala University, Sirs (Established by the State Legislature Act 9 of 2003) Department of English [pick] Syllabus for M. A. English (Previous and Final) under University Centre for Distance Learning (SCUD) M. A. English Previous Appear History of English Literature Paper II Study of Drama Study of Poetry Paper Ill Paper IV Study of Novel Paper V: Phonetics, Linguistics and LET Paper I History of English Note: h Literature The candidates are required to attempt five questions in all. Besides question No. 10 in Section C which is compulsory, the candidates shall attempt two questions each room sections A and B.All questions carry equal marks. Total marks for the paper are 8. Total marks for the paper are 80. Note: for Paper Setters 1 . The question paper will consist of three sections I. E. Section-A, B and C. There shall be Ten questions in all. There shall be one question with internal choice on each of the nine chapters prescribed in sections A and B. However, Q No. 10 i n section C is compulsory. 2. Background Reading section aims at testing the candidates' understanding of important books/authors/trends/movements/submerges related to this paper.The section will carry one compulsory question of 16 marks requiring the candidates to show acquaintance with any four of the six given items. The candidates are expected to write a paragraph of about 150 words on each of the four items they attempt. Book Prescribed: A New History of English Literature by IBM S Day,Entwined: Dobra Publications, 2006. Section A: Chapter 1-5 Section B: Chapter 6-9 Section C: Background Reading The Baroque Sensibility, Utilitarianism, Victorian Compromise, Women Writers up to Seventeenth Century, Gothic Novel, Pre Raphael Movement, Impressionism, Images, Novel of Ideas, Freud and his Impact on literature.Suggested Reading: . David Daisies: A Critical History of English Literature Volvo. 1-4. 2. Compton Rickets: A History of English Literature 3. ââ¬Ëfor ââ¬Ëvans: A Short History of English Literature 4. Eulogies and Canadian: A History of English Literature 5. Margaret Durable: The Oxford Companion to English Note:The candidates are required to attempt five questions in all. Besides question No. 10 in Section C which is compulsory, the candidates shall attempt two questions each from sections A and B. All questions carry equal marks. Total marks for the paper are 80. Shall be ten questions in all.There shall be one question with internal choice on each of the nine Units prescribed in sections A and B. However, Q No. 10 in section C is compulsory. Section A Unit I Unit II unit Ill unit Unit V Christopher Marlowe: Dry. Faustus William Shakespeare: A Midsummer Night's Dream William Shakespeare: Hamlet Ben Johnson: The Alchemist Richard Brinkley Sheridan: School for Scandal Section B Unit VI Bernard Shaw: Pygmalion Unit VII TTS Eliot: Murder in the Cathedral Unit VIII Samuel Becket: Waiting for God John Osborne: Look Back in Anger Mystery and Morality plays, University Wits, Seneca and the Elizabethan Tragedy,Historical plays of Shakespeare, The Way of the World, Duchess of Mall, Elizabeth Griffith, Epic theatre, Jean Genet, Comedy of Menace. 1 . Already Nicolle: History of English Drama 2. Already Nicolle, A History of Restoration Drama 1660-1700 3. A. C. Bradley: Shakespearean Tragedy 4. M C Breadroot, English Dramatic Form: A History of Its Development 5. Nicholas Green, Singe : a Critical Study of His Plays 6. Nun. Ellis Former: The Jacobean Drama: An Interpretation 7. Raymond Williams: Drama from Ibsen to Breech 8. David Pennington deed: Twentieth Century Interpretations of Hamlet 9.Scubas, Karakas, T S Eliot the Dramatist. Paper Ill Study of Poetry 1. The question paper will consist of three sections I. E. Section-A, B and C. There each of the nine Units prescribed in sections A and B. However, Q No. 10 in section C is compulsory. Unit I . Chaucer: Prelude to Canterbury Tales John Done: The following poems from The Metaphys ical Poets, deed unit 2. Helen Gardner (penguin) are prescribed: ââ¬Å"The Good Morrow', ââ¬Å"The Fleaâ⬠, ââ¬ËThe Sun Risingâ⬠. The Connotationâ⬠, ââ¬Å"A Valediction- For bidding Mourningâ⬠, ââ¬Å"The Sixtiesâ⬠, ââ¬Å"Better My Heart, Three Person's Unit 3. John Milton: Paradise Lost (Book 1)Unit 4. Alexander Pope: The Rape of the Lock Unit 5. William Wordsmith:: ââ¬ËItinerant Abbey'. To The Cuckooâ⬠, ââ¬Å"The Solitary Reaperâ⬠, ââ¬Å"Daffodilsâ⬠. ââ¬Å"Ode on Intimation of Immortality', ââ¬Å"Ode to Duty', ââ¬Å"Unitingâ⬠. Unit 6. John Keats: : ââ¬Å"Ode too Nightingaleâ⬠. Mode on a Grecian Urnâ⬠, ââ¬Å"Ode on Melancholy', ââ¬Å"To Autumn. ââ¬Å"To Psycheâ⬠, ââ¬Å"La Belle Dame Sans Merckâ⬠. Unit 7. Robert Browning: The following poems are prescribed: ââ¬Å"Evelyn Hopeâ⬠, ââ¬Å"My Last Duchessâ⬠, ââ¬Å"The Last Ride Togetherâ⬠, ââ¬Å"A Grammarian's Funeralâ⬠. ââ¬Å"Porp hyry's Loverâ⬠, ââ¬Å"Rabbi Ben Ezraâ⬠. Unit 8. Matthew Arnold: The following poems are prescribed: ââ¬Å"Scholar Gipsyâ⬠.Dover Beachâ⬠. ââ¬Å"Shakespeareâ⬠. ââ¬Å"The Death of Saharaâ⬠. ââ¬Å"Growing Oldâ⬠, ââ¬Å"Life and Thoughtâ⬠Unit 9. WEB Yeats: The following poems are prescribed: ââ¬Å"The Two Treesâ⬠. ââ¬Å"The Towerâ⬠, ââ¬Å"The Song of the Happy Shepherdâ⬠. ââ¬Å"Sailing to Byzantiumâ⬠, ââ¬Å"Lead and the Swanâ⬠. Background Reading: Robert Burns. William Blake. Elizabeth Browning. Modern British Poetry between the Wars, Modern Poetry after World War II. Symbolism, â⬠The Rime of the Ancient Marinerâ⬠. Thomas Gray. Oliver Goldsmith. 1 . James Reeves: A Short History of English Photometry- 1940 2. Joan Bennett: Five Metaphysical Poets 3. CM Bower: Romantic Imagination 4.M. H. Abram: English Romantic Poets: Modern Essays in Criticism 5. G. H. Hartman: Wordsmith's Poetry, 1787-1834 6. Sidney Cob in: Keats 7. Ian Jack: Augustan Satire 8. Hugh Walker: Satire and Satirists 9. F. L. Lucas: Ten Victorian Poets 10. B. Raja. deed. : John Milton 11. Hellcat Smith: Elizabethan Poetry 12. Jay Martin: A Collection of Critical Essays on The Wasteland: Twentieth Century Interpretations. Daniel Defoe: Robinson Crusoe Henry Fielding: Tom Jones Jonathan Swift: Guilder's Travels Jane Austin: Pride and Prejudice Sir Walter Scott: Ivanhoe Second B Unit VI Emily Bronze: Withering HeightsUnit VII Charles Dickens: Great Expectations Unit VIII George Eliot: Middleware Unit IX Thomas Hardy: The Mayor of Sturbridge Section C: Industrial Revolution, The Chartist Movement. Darning's Concept of Evolution and its impact on English Literature, Anthony Trollope, Mrs.. Elizabeth Seashell. Pamela. Robinson Crusoe. Benjamin Disraeli. John Banyan's Pilgrim's Progress. 1. F. R. Leaves: The Great Tradition 2. David Cecil: Early Victorian Novelists 3. E. M. Forester: Aspects of the Novel 4. W. C. Booth: The Rhetoric of Fiction 5. Raymond Williams: The English Novel from Dickens to Lawrence 6.Terry Galleon: The English Novel: An Introduction 7. Lionel Trilling: The Liberal Imagination 8. Diana Neil: A Short History of the English Novel Paper V: Phonetics, Linguistics and LET Unit I History of English Language: Old English, Middle English and Modern English, Influence of other languages on English Unit II Phonetics and Phonology 1: Speech Mechanism, Phonemes and Classification of Sounds of English RPR. Unit Ill Phonetics and Phonology 2: Syllable and its structure, word accent, Intonation, Phonetic transcription Unit IV English Morphology: Inflectional and derivation Morphology, Morphological analysis of English words.Unit V English Syntax Unit VI LET in India: A Brief History, Role of English, Difficulties of Indian Learners of English Unit VII Methods and Material: Grammar Translation Method, Direct Method, Communicative Language Teaching, Audio Lingual Method Unit VIII Stylistics Uni t IX English Literary Terms Section C : Received Pronunciation, Intonation and its Functions, Weak Forms, Immediate Constituent Analysis, Cohesion and Coherence, Language Varieties, Cognitive and Emotive Meaning, Competence and Performance, Transformational-Generative Rules, Second Language Acquisition. Para linguistic Features.Krishna Monitor Theory of Second Language Acquisition. 1 . J D O' Connors: Better English Pronunciation (Cambridge: Cambridge University press. 2000) 2. Peter Roach: English Phonetics and Phonology (Cambridge: Cambridge University 3. Seth' and Domain: A Course on Phonetics and Spoken English (Prentice Hall) 4. David Crystal: Linguistics (Harmonistic: Penguin, 1971) 5. S K Verna and N Swordsmanship: Modern Linguistics (New Delhi: 01 1989) 6. AC Bough and T Cable: A History of English Language (4th Edition) 7. B Strange: A History of English (London: Methuen. 1970) IV Stylistics 8. B Leach and M.Short: Style in Fiction (London: Longing. 1981) 9. P Cole and JELL Morgan: deed. Syntax and Semantics (Volvo. 3,9. 11). (New York: American press. 1975) 10. Steven Davis: deed. Pragmatic: A Reader (Oxford: PUP, 1991) 1 1 . Jack C. Richards and Theodore S. Rogers: Approaches and Method in Language Teaching Description and Analysis (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995) 12. K Catgut: A Critical Study of Methods and Approaches (New Delhi: Harmon Publishing House 1998). MA English Final Paper VI : Literary Criticism and Theory Paper VI': American Literature Paper VIII : Indian English Literature
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